Rolf Tegtmeier

Kreissparkasse Köln
The principle of proportionality, appropriateness and feasibility must be upheld with our customer base in mind. Steering the economy towards a sustainable way of doing business is an ongoing process. Public savings banks will continue to support their customers in achieving this goal.
Rolf Tegtmeier2022-07-01T14:59:55+02:00

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Volz

Centre for Sustainable Finance (SOAS, University of London) / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Volz2022-07-01T15:38:46+02:00

Dr. Klaus Wirbel

REWE Group
Banks and investors will in future focus more strongly on ESG criteria when making investment and lending decisions. Corporate treasuries therefore need to keep developing in order to become catalysts of the necessary transformation towards sustainable development.
Dr. Klaus Wirbel2022-07-01T15:00:48+02:00
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