Existing structures are not allowing the financial market to realise its potential to leverage the Great Transformation. A swift implementation of forward-looking reporting requirements would finally provide incentives to systematically consider financial climate risks when taking financing and investment decisions.
Christoph Balspixandstripes2022-07-04T14:52:33+02:00
Transparency creates comparability and discloses the impact of companies. The Council therefore recommends meaningful reporting of the positive and negative impacts on society for as many companies as possible.
Alexander Bassenpixandstripes2022-07-04T14:53:24+02:00
Arbeitskreis Kirchlicher Investoren in der evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
As church investors, we care about the impact that financial investments have on the environment, on humanity and on posterity. For this reason, the title of the SFC’s report – “A sustainable financial system to facilitate the Great Transformation” – reflects our concerns. The report explains how these concerns affect a wide range of issues and stakeholders.
Sustainable development is often characterised by conflicting goals and interdependencies. This is why it was necessary, and important, that the SFC aimed for structural, comprehensive changes and took a holistic approach in formulating its recommendations.
Internalising external costs and benefits creates a sustainable market equilibrium.
A carbon price path to 2050 that is recognised as a benchmark will accelerate the transformation.
New technologies such as AI must play a key role in sustainable finance.
Joachim Goldbeckpixandstripes2022-07-01T14:53:48+02:00
I am proud of the SFC’s work. Such a heterogeneous body has the potential to achieve impressive results – and in this we have succeeded. I sincerely hope that a lot of what is contained in the final report will find its way into work at the political level.
The key to acceptance and implementation lies in a wise balance between economic, environmental and social criteria. Feasibility – this will be the measure of success for the recommendations that the SFC has now presented.