Karsten Neuhoff

Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V.
The financial sector can support companies along the road to carbon neutrality instead of removing them from portfolios because of transition risks. To this end, companies should show in their reporting how they are preparing for a sudden decarbonisation scenario in 2035.
Karsten Neuhoff2022-07-01T14:56:57+02:00

Petra Pflaum

DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA
Achieving holistic sustainable economic structures is the biggest transformational challenge of our generation. It requires holistic competences and extensive data transparency in order to achieve the necessary changes, the foundations of which can be laid today.
Petra Pflaum2022-07-01T14:57:03+02:00

Dr. Gerald Podobnik

Deutsche Bank AG
As a forward-looking industrial nation, Germany is focussed on the transformation of the real economy and takes a holistic view of sustainable finance. This approach makes Germany stand out from some other financial centres that are geared purely towards financial products.
Dr. Gerald Podobnik2022-07-01T14:57:21+02:00

Regine Richter

The way the German government deals with public funds sets an example that influences the market. The government’s orientation to the Paris climate targets with regard to its own investments, hedges, KfW, public-law entities, and promoting exports, shows what is possible.
Regine Richter2022-07-01T14:57:27+02:00

Dr. Lothar Rieth

By pursuing greater transparency in their sustainability performance, all market participants can help shape Germany as a centre for sustainable finance, today and in the future. In this way, they can also make a contribution to the efficient allocation of capital on financial markets in order to achieve climate targets.
Dr. Lothar Rieth2022-07-01T14:57:45+02:00

Frank Scheidig

DZ Bank AG
I would like to help Germany develop into the leading location for sustainable finance. The public sector must act as a role model – both with regard to the regulatory framework and financing of the transformation as well as with regard to sustainable investments. There is no Plan(et) B!
Frank Scheidig2022-07-01T14:58:01+02:00

Gerhard Schick

Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende e.V.
The Committee’s recommendations are an important input for leveraging financial markets for the purposes of environmental and climate action. The public savings banks also have a role to play here! Now the German government must present a convincing sustainable finance strategy as soon as possible.
Gerhard Schick2022-07-01T14:58:07+02:00

Daniel Schleifer

Vonovia SE
What is particularly important for the transformation of companies is the further integration and forward-looking orientation with regard to reporting and risk management. In this way, non-financial issues are linked directly to the long-term financial development of the company.
Daniel Schleifer2022-07-05T14:13:35+02:00

Antje Schneeweiß

Arbeitskreis Kirchlicher Investoren in der evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
Companies are noticing that the government is supporting sustainable investments. Sustainability reporting and a new conception of risk on the part of banking supervisors are as much part of this as the internalisation of external costs e.g. by means of a new supply chain law reinforced by liability provisions.
Antje Schneeweiß2022-07-01T14:58:43+02:00
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